Transformation and Release


I am not one to look over my shoulder and view past experiences with regret. When circumstances change in my life, or people I love change their closeness to me, I allow myself to feel sadness and then embrace letting go, and offer gratitude for what was. Every experience in my life brings something good: I open my heart a bit wider, I learn something new about the world and human nature, I find the boundaries of what I will accept and what I do not want in my energetic field. I grow.

So goes the transformational encounter with Covid 19 and the pandemic that shook all of our lives. First and foremost, I offer gratitude to nurses, doctors, essential workers, and government officials who coped with the unknown and known of this virus, leading us to safer conditions and healing. I have moved through feeling unsafe in the world to receiving both doses of the Moderna vaccine which signals returning to hugs with loved ones this summer. There are no guarantees that we will not face more challenges, but I have hope.

My journey also took me through the building of Temple Tree Sanctuary, my beautiful dream of a wellness center. The passion I felt for the creation of a place, a temple, where the core beliefs are that humans can commit to work for the highest welfare of all beings, and where I could promote the unity and similarities in us all through the practice of compassion and love with a genuine sense of sisterhood and brotherhood is still alive. But, the reality of not being able to gather together did not allow Temple Tree Sanctuary to open and I am letting the physical space go…not the vision… but the physical space I created.

In 2010 I wrote a piece about being raised to be of service. I quoted Jim Collins from his book: The 5 Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization: “No matter how much the world changes, people still have a fundamental need for guiding values and sense of purpose that give their life and work meaning. They have a fundamental need for connection to other people, sharing with them the common bond of beliefs and aspirations. They have a desperate need for a guiding philosophy, a beacon on the hill to keep in sight during dark and disruptive times. More than any time in the past, people…demand the organization of which they are a part stand for something.”

As I release Temple Tree Sanctuary, I continue to stand for healing, for peace, for love, and to rise as my own power with the mission I have always followed: to support women and girls in the areas of health, education and happiness. I am involved in projects that make women’s voices and contributions heard, and I continue to support programs that free our minds and expand our hearts.

Thank you to all of the professors, mentors, guides and spirit leaders who inspire me daily. I will be the best person I can be through love in action and caring for others.

To see some of the organizations I am supporting now, please visit:

With so much love,


“Every object and being in the universe is
a jar overfilled with wisdom and beauty,
a drop of the Tigris that cannot be contained by any skin.
Every jarful spills and makes the earth more shining,
As though covered in satin…” 



Highly Sensitive People

